Church Donates a Second Truck of Food to Midwest Foodbank in Haltom City
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints made another food truck delivery on Oct. 11, 2023. Watch the video.

Small and Simple Acts Make a Big Impact on Local Charities
Donations of about 1,000 individual packages of Ramen Noodles were delivered to Community Storehouse in Tarrant County and the I Can Still Shine program, which serves abused women and their children in Tarrant County. The noodles were collected at a conference held by the Hurst area congregations of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Read more.

Elder Tommy D. Haws to Preside at Upcoming Hurst Stake Conference
The Hurst Texas Stake is pleased to announce that Elder Tommy D. Haws will be the presiding authority at the upcoming Hurst Stake Conference, Saturday and Sunday, March 25 and 26, 2023. More details.

Introducing the New Euless 4th Ward and Bishopric of the Hurst Texas Stake
With a growing Tongan community in North Texas, the Hurst Texas Stake recently created a new Tongan Ward (congregation) called the Euless 4th Ward. The new ward is the third Tongan ward in the Stake, serving members whose primary language is Tongan. Read more.

Guest Speaker, Bruce Carlson to Address the Congregation at Freedom Devotional Concert
The Hurst Texas Stake is pleased to introduce guest speaker, Bruce Carlson, who will address the congregation during a Freedom Devotional Concert in celebration of the blessings of freedom through music and the spoken word. Saturday, July 10th at 7:00 p.m. at the Hurst Stake Center. Read more.

Elder Jay B. Jones to Preside at Hurst Stake Conference March, 2022
Twice a year the Hurst Texas Stake holds conference instead of its normal Sunday services. This March, Elder Jay B. Jones will be the presiding authority and will speak to the congregation. Read More.

Hurst First Ward Renamed to Original Name
This quick read announces the ward’s new name and briefly outlines the history of how the Hurst First Ward came to be. Read more.

Bishopric Changes Within the Hurst Texas Stake
Two new bishoprics have been asked to serve in the Hurst Texas Stake. Read more to learn about them and the process of establishing new leadership in the Church.

Hurst Texas Stake Website
The Hurst Texas Stake now has a website! This website will be a great resource and tool for both our members and community in our stake. Read more.