To save the date for future events, visit the calendar here.

Class — Strengthening the Family
All couples and single parents are invited to join a 10-week 'Strengthening the Family' class. This discussion-based course will help build family unity, resolve conflict, teach responsible behavior, and understand child development.

General Ham Radio License Class (for Technicians)
All ham radio technician licensees are invited to join this free advanced 9-week course, preparatory to taking and passing the General Ham License test. The course will be taught over Zoom in weekly 2-hour sessions by Pat Autrey, Hurst Stake Emergency Coordinator. The course will begin on January 11 at 8am.

Hurst Single Adult Christmas Toy Drive
The Hurst Stake Single Adults are organizing a Christmas Toy Drive. Drop off a new, unwrapped toy and receive a sweet treat! All items collected benefit children and youth in our stake.

Single Adult Thanksgiving Party (Multi-stake)
The Richardson, Plano and Hurst Stakes are hosting a Thanksgiving Party for single adults (36+) The event includes dinner, a dance, music, games, and a service opportunity to support local partners.

Single Adult Conference
The Arlington Stake has invited all singles ages 35 and up from the Hurst Stake to join a two-day conference with activities, workshops, devotionals, and a dance. The theme of the conference is “If ye are prepared, ye shall not fear” (Doctrine & Covenants 38:30).

Father-Daughter “Day at the Museum” Activity
All Hurst Stake girls ages 8-18 (and friends!) are invited to come together for spiritual, intellectual, physical, and social activities, accompanied by a father, grandfather, uncle, or brother. Activities will include painting, and lunch will be provided. Attendees are invited to bring a family story or an item that’s been passed down through the generations to share.

Stake Conference - Sunday General Session
Members and friends are invited to prepare to participate in our semiannual Hurst Stake Conference. These conference sessions will be presided over by Elder James R. Rasband of the Seventy, accompanied by Elder Daniel L. Harris, an Area Seventy from Vidor, TX.

Stake Conference - Saturday Sessions
Members and friends are invited to prepare to participate in our semiannual Hurst Stake Conference. These conference sessions will be presided over by Elder James R. Rasband of the Seventy, accompanied by Elder Daniel L. Harris, an Area Seventy from Vidor, TX.

Emergency Preparedness Fair
A community event featuring educational booths, interactive displays, and guest speakers on topics such as food storage, water purification, 72-hour kits, and disaster relief.

DFW Young Single Adult Conference
Join all DFW young single adults (18-35) for a fun filled evening at Circle R Ranch, with dinner, a rodeo, dancing and even armadillo races. The following day will be filled with service opportunities, uplifting and useful workshops, plenty of time for fun and socialization, and a devotional by Brother Bradley R. Wilcox.

Beginners Ham Radio Class
Joining this Church-sponsored ham radio class equips you with essential communication skills to support emergency efforts when other methods fail during natural disasters.

Self-Reliance Courses - Fall Session
All adults (18+) in the community are invited to learn more about each of these FREE Self-Reliance courses. Find out which one best suits your needs!

An Evening with Sister Yee (hosted by Alliance Stake)
Sister Kristin M. Yee, 2nd Counselor in the General Relief Society Presidency of the Church, will be giving a broadcast devotional for all women ages 17 and up on Friday the 23rd at 7pm. Her topic will be “Building Your Foundation on Christ.

Granny's Attic Giveaway
A heartwarming community event where everyone is welcome to come claim donated clothes, shoes, household items, and bedding.

Sunday Worship Services
Each Sunday, members of congregations throughout Hurst, Euless, Bedford, and Watauga gather together to worship, sing, learn, and share their personal witness of Jesus Christ. All are welcome to participate in these services.

Sunday Worship Services
Each Sunday, members of congregations throughout Hurst, Euless, Bedford, and Watauga gather together to worship, sing, learn, and share their personal witness of Jesus Christ. All are welcome to participate in these services.

Sunday Worship Services
Each Sunday, members of congregations throughout Hurst, Euless, Bedford, and Watauga gather together to worship, sing, learn, and share their personal witness of Jesus Christ. All are welcome to participate in these services.

Sunday Worship Services
Each Sunday, members of congregations throughout Hurst, Euless, Bedford, and Watauga gather together to worship, sing, learn, and share their personal witness of Jesus Christ. All are welcome to participate in these services.

Sunday Worship Services
Each Sunday, members of congregations throughout Hurst, Euless, Bedford, and Watauga gather together to worship, sing, learn, and share their personal witness of Jesus Christ. All are welcome to participate in these services.

Sunday Worship Services
Each Sunday, members of congregations throughout Hurst, Euless, Bedford, and Watauga gather together to worship, sing, learn, and share their personal witness of Jesus Christ. All are welcome to participate in these services.

Service Begins with Me - Primary Service Activity
All Primary children ages 8 to 11 are invited to participate in a service project on Saturday, June 22

Juneteenth Cemetery Cleanup
Come help clear weeds and cut grass at the cemetery of Tarrant County’s first community of formerly enslaved Blacks.

Sunday Worship Services
Each Sunday, members of congregations throughout Hurst, Euless, Bedford, and Watauga gather together to worship, sing, learn, and share their personal witness of Jesus Christ. All are welcome to participate in these services.

Sunday Worship Services
Each Sunday, members of congregations throughout Hurst, Euless, Bedford, and Watauga gather together to worship, sing, learn, and share their personal witness of Jesus Christ. All are welcome to participate in these services.

Sunday Worship Services
Each Sunday, members of congregations throughout Hurst, Euless, Bedford, and Watauga gather together to worship, sing, learn, and share their personal witness of Jesus Christ. All are welcome to participate in these services.

Sunday Worship Services
Each Sunday, members of congregations throughout Hurst, Euless, Bedford, and Watauga gather together to worship, sing, learn, and share their personal witness of Jesus Christ. All are welcome to participate in these services.

Stake Relief Society Devotional
All members of the Hurst Stake Relief Society (ages 18+) are warmly invited to participate in a beautiful devotional led by Sister Kioa and her counselors, with the theme of Spiritual Survival in the Last Days. This devotional will focus on overcoming tragedy and trials through faith and trust in the Savior, Jesus Christ.

Sunday Worship Services
Each Sunday, members of congregations throughout Hurst, Euless, Bedford, and Watauga gather together to worship, sing, learn, and share their personal witness of Jesus Christ. All are welcome to participate in these services.

Teacher Appreciation Night
A celebration of our favorite teachers and leaders. Attendees are nominated by their own students and treated to a light dinner and a program. 7th through 12th grade youth are invited to nominate a teacher!

General Ham Radio License Class (for Technicians)
All ham radio technician licensees are invited to join this free advanced 9-week course, preparatory to taking and passing the General Ham License test. The course will be taught over Zoom in weekly 2-hour sessions by Pat Autrey, Hurst Stake Emergency Coordinator. The course will begin on April 6 at 8am.
Participants should purchase the 10th Edition ARRL General Class License Manual prior to class. It can purchased in a spiral-bound or a Kindle digital edition on Amazon at the link above.
Please register for the class here:
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Passcode: 489056