Hurst Texas Stake Website

Under the direction of the Stake Presidency, a stake website committee was formed to explore the creation of a stake website. The committee is headed by President Tommy Hamilton and consisting of: Kirk Cannon (Stake Clerk), David Hill (Stake Executive Secretary), Barry Dick (High Councilor, Communications), Shane Keil (Stake Communications Director) and Blaine Scott (High Councilor, Technology).

The committee looked at the scope, feasibility, need and purpose of a website. The committee researched what other stakes had done and sought advice from those who had created websites before. It was decided that a website could be a central point for communication to members and a way to increase member engagement. The website is also a way to engage with the community. The design aspects were made not just for members but those looking to know more about the church and who we are as a church in the local community. Most importantly, the website is a way in which we can help bring about the gathering of Israel in our stake.

“The gathering of Israel is the most important thing taking place on the earth today. Nothing else compares in magnitude, nothing else compares in importance, nothing else compares in majesty.”

– President Russell M. Nelson

The website can be another tool members can use to share their faith with friends, to invite them to church meetings and invite them to learn more through Life Help Classes or meeting with the missionaries.

The website is fully functional at this stage. It is optimized to run on any device whether it be a desktop computer or a cellphone. However, there is more to come as we build out the site and add more functionality and resources for our members and community. Today is an exciting day as launches for the first time. Please take time to look around and see what is available now and come back often as new content is added.


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