It Wasn’t Raining When Noah Built the Ark

Have you ever wondered how Noah must have felt when he was building the ark? Maybe it was amid sunny skies. Maybe he got ridiculed by skeptical people all around him. Perhaps he dealt with his own self-doubt. Maybe he thought, "Why am I doing this? I don't see any signs of a flood."

But Noah knew he needed to act on what God told him was going to come to pass and he planned accordingly. Noah’s faith in God's council and admonition to prepare for what was to come allowed him to "never stop preparing" as our modern-day prophet, President Nelson taught us in the April 2021 General Conference.

When we hear about and see the chaos happening throughout the world, we can have peace knowing that our preparations aren't in vain. During the recent Hurst Texas Stake Emergency Preparedness Meeting, it was promised that God will bless us for our efforts in preparing for various emergencies to come.

Vicki Mulder from the Hurst congregation, shared her feelings regarding the meeting:

“My husband and I found the Hurst Texas Stake Emergency Preparedness Meeting very informative. We printed out all the information packets that were available. We decided that there were some things that we needed to do right away:
• Buy new batteries for our flashlights.
• Buy some hand warmers for power outages in the winter.
• Store money for emergencies in case we need to pay cash.
• Invest in a tent so we can set it up in our den and sleep in it in case there is a power outage during the winter.”

Regardless of our own family dynamics, there's always something to do to prepare for the next disruption in life. For example, you can purchase an occasional box of matches to light candles during a power outage. Or the next time you're at the bank, cash in $5 bills for quarters to have coins on hand. Try repurposing juice jugs by filling them with water to start a water supply. As one hymn teaches us, "Let the holy spirit guide." (Hymn #143)

Here are some additional resources to help with your own preparations:

Heavenly Father will bless you in your efforts to be prepared. If we make it a matter of prayer and go by the spirit, "...we have no need to fear, for the Lord, our helper, will ever be near..." (Hymn #243, Let Us All Press On).

Learn more by watching a replay of the meeting. Click the following link: Emergency Preparedness Meeting


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