Highlights from the October 2022 Hurst Stake Conference

Members of the Hurst Texas Stake gathered for a bi-annual conference October 15-16, 2022.

The conference included topics focused on Jesus Christ and the Lord’s work in Gathering of Israel and was presided by Stake President Chandler Growald. Here are selected highlights from the conference:

Saturday Leadership Session

The Hurst Stake Leadership session began with a special musical number by Susan White of the River Trails 1st Ward (congregation) and her sister Allison Dempsey from a neighboring stake. They performed a contemporary rendition of “Master, The Tempest is Raging,” and were accompanied by Sally Seil of the River Trails 1st Ward on the organ. 

Family Home Evenings and Being Bold

Bishop Randy Fonua of the
Bedford 1st Ward.

The first speaker, Randy Fonua, Bishop of Bedford 1st Ward (congregation), shared the three kinds of family home evenings he loved growing up as a kid. The first was when the kids would be in charge since it involved games and treats. The second was when his mom would present her insightful Relief Society lesson. The third was when his father would give pep talks to the family. Bishop Fonua said his dad once told him he might be a bishop one day.

When his dad passed away, Bishop Fonua said, “I missed him so much that I looked for father figures wherever I could.” He added that while the Hurst Stake Presidency “doesn’t look like my father, they sure do sound like him” and he promised that the words shared during conference will bless lives forever. 

Bishop Fonua went on to tell his story:

“When I was called as a bishop, I went to the Temple to get direction from the Lord. Because it was by appointment only, I was afraid when I arrived early I could not get into the session that was about to begin. The officiator, who looked like Apostle President Henry B Eyring, allowed me into the temple and offered the council to ‘just be bold’. When I finished, I could not find the apostle look-alike, but the message he gave me was clear and I had the direction I was seeking.”

“My first task as Bishop, was to start on the ward roster. On the ward list, I saw the acronym ‘DNC’ but had to ask what it meant. One of my counselors told me it meant ‘do not contact’. Remembering the direction I received at the temple, I stated calling them first. I found that most people had moved out. I found some to be grateful that someone was checking up on them. Some were still waiting for COVID-19 to be over, and some truly didn’t want contact. One family told me they just wanted to be left alone.

In the recent General Conference Elder James W. McConkie III, General Authority Seventy shared that when Jesus blessed His followers, ‘they became bold, adaptive, creative, optimistic, resilient, hopeful, enduring and fellowshipping. Each of us must carry our proverbial corner as we help our fellow man to be healed by the Savior.’”

If Ye are Prepared, Ye Shall Not Fear

After Bishop Fonua’s remarks, President Tommy Hamilton,1st Counselor in the stake presidency, shared with conference attendees a presentation about the Stake’s emergency operations in the case of an active shooter. He showed the data of occurrences of violence in churches is trending upwards. However, he pointed to the scripture in The Doctrine and Covenants, “If ye are prepared ye shall not fear.”

Closing Remarks from the Stake President

The Hurst Stake President, Chandler Growald, ended the session by stating, “The brothers and sisters of the Hurst Texas Stake are amazing, and I truly love you as you carry out the two great commandments: To Love God with all your heart and mind and to love your neighbor as yourself. Remember to always smile.”

Sunday Morning Session

On Sunday, October 16, right after the opening hymn and prayer, a combined Tongan combined ward choir set the tone by singing the hymn “Nearer, Dear Savior To Thee.” The first speaker was the newest bishop from the newest ward in the stake, Bishop Valeli Faasoo of Euless 4th Ward.

Bishop Faasoo reminded us of the Savior’s teaching in the Book of Mormon, “… what manner of men ought to be?... even as I am.”

Then the congregation heard from President Bob Collins, 2nd Counselor of the Hurst Texas Stake. President Collins spoke about the significance of preparing ourselves to hear and follow the prompting of the Holy Ghost.

Then President Tommy Hamilton, 1st Counselor of the Hurst Texas Stake taught ways to draw on the power of Jesus Christ.

President and Sister Muir of the Dallas Temple were next, testifying about the significance of the temple on both sides of the veil, this life and life after death.

Testimonies from Members of the Congregation

Four members were called from the congregation to share their testimony, two newly converted members and two young men about to leave to serve a mission.

Cassandra Esemuede of the Bedford 2nd Ward, testified about the fulfilling of the Lord’s promise, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” 

Chris Onsongo from the Hurst Young Single Adult Ward, expressed his gratitude for being baptized, he said it was the best decision of his life.

Jacob and Jared Foni of the Euless 4th Ward

Then two young men from the Euless 4th Ward, Jared and Jacob Foni, twin brothers who will soon leave to serve a two-year mission shared their testimonies. One will serve in Australia and the other to serve in Tonga. They strongly testified their willingness to serve and their strong testimony gained from four years of morning seminary (an early morning scripture class).

Closing Remarks from the Stake President

President Growald closed by reiterating President Russell M. Nelson’s General Conference talk to heed his words that in these last days, “… we will see the greatest manifestations of the Savior’s power that the world has ever seen.”

President Growald also encouraged members to seek Heavenly power from the temple. Just as President Nelson expressed his love in General Conference, even our Stake President closed his talk with “I Love You.”

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