For Such a Time as This

On September 16 and 17, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Hurst, Texas area held an adult conference where a series of workshops were given to “strengthen” and to “bring”…for such a time as this.

Report by Sandra Cooper, Photography by Shane Dawson

Shahna Argyle, MS, LPC presents “Essential Relationships with Children.”

As the Passover drew near, the Savior gathered His apostles in what has become known as the Last Supper. There the Lord served, taught, and prepared His apostles for His pending death. Speaking to Peter, the Savior said: “...I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren. [emphasis added].” Luke 22:32

A few days after this experience, the Resurrected Lord appeared to the people in ancient America, the Nephites, and invited them to “...Bring..any that…are afflicted in any manner[.] Bring them hither and I will heal them…[emphasis added]” 3 Nephi 17:7

The Savior’s invitation to strengthen and to bring any who are suffering closer to Him is our charge today. “For…who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14) to strengthen and to bring, so that our Savior Jesus Christ may heal. 

Telolini Kioa, President of the Hurst Texas Stake women's organization, said:

I believe that if we can build and strengthen our relationships with the Savior, our spouses and children; then we will be able to deal with what the world may throw at us.

When asked why “such a time as this?” Sister Kioa said: “Seeing how the world is now and where we’re heading, are we ready or prepared to live in such a time as this?” 

Musician and lyricist Ohleen Hansen, spoke of her experience writing a song themed, “For Such a Time as This.” A choir performed her piece at the opening of the conference.

At the conference, the following workshops were offered by local professionals:

  • Mental Health taught by Lisa Goodrich, LCSW

  • God & Self taught by Shannon Causey MS, LPC, LCDC

  • Marriage taught by Hailey Moore, LMFT and Marina Stanton LMFT (who was unable to attend at the last minute, but shared her material.)

  • Children taught by Shahna Argyle, MS, LPC (summary unavailable.)

Several attendees provided insights of what they learned:

Lisa Goodrich, LCSW

Mental Health 

  • Anxiety is the inability to decipher between “burnt toast” and a “house fire." Someone with anxiety perceives burnt toast at the same level as a house fire.

  • Don’t feed the anxiety–it demands comfort and certainty…but anxiety can never have certainty fully.

  • Scrupulosity: a type of OCD involving religious or moral obsessions. These individuals are overly concerned that something they thought or did might be a sin or other violation of religious or moral doctrine.

  • In regards to scrupulosity ask: “Are my thoughts driven by anxiety or the spirit? The holy spirit causes guilt. Not anxiety.

  • Love. Listen. Be Present to help others with mental health issues. Don’t worry what your advice will be.

  • Never say you are disappointed in someone. It’s crushing. The only thing worse than being disappointed is being the disappointment.

Shannon Causey MS, LPC, LCDC

God and Self

  • Believe that a higher power can help you.

  • In order to love God, we have to learn how to love others (see 1 John 4:20-21).

  • When we know who we truly are, we behave differently.

  • Be good to yourself and others.

  • Let Heavenly Father be your guide.

Hailey Moore, LMFT


  • Have a strong friendship.

  • Talk things out.

Presenter Hailey Moore said: “There are evidence-based principles put together by relationship psychologist Dr. John Gottman that we can use to support a good friendship in our marriages: 

  • Deeply knowing your spouse.

  • Nurturing fondness and admiration.

  • Turning toward each other instead of away.

  • Learning how to handle conflict more productively.

  • Creating shared meaning together.

While there are so many ways to strengthen a marriage, using these principles and avoiding criticism, contempt, defensiveness and stonewalling can allow us to thrive with our spouses.”

For more information on
Marina’s 3 ways to Revitalize
Your Marriage
click here.

Presenter Marina Stanton provided the following three tips to help prevent emotional flooding:

  • Use I “feel” statements.

  • Use specifics, not generalities.

  • Stop using absolutes! Always, never, etc.

Julie Poole, Manager of Welfare & Self-Reliance Services for the Dallas/Dallas East/Fort Worth/Oklahoma area.

The Meaning of “For Such a Time as This”

The conference ended with a devotional by guest speaker, Julie Poole, Manager of Welfare & Self-Reliance Services for the Dallas/Dallas East/Fort Worth/Oklahoma area for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. She spoke of what it means to be here “for such a time as this.” 

Those in attendance learned that we were not made to be someone else. We were made to be us and should not hide who we are and to be mindful of who we are listening and talking to. Poole challenged those in attendance to:

Make a commitment to be a good influence, to listen and observe, and to ask others to help you.

For Such a Time as This Conference can be summed up by these participants’ words: POWERFUL and INSIGHTFUL. “The Conference brought me closer to Jesus by demonstrating different ways to approach old issues. Drawing on Christ for the strength to help me change.”

When asked what is something you will do differently going forward, an attendee said: “Seeing people and relationships from new perspectives was my personal takeaway…change is good for all of us.”

Throughout the conference, participants were shown how they could follow the Savior’s invitation to strengthen and to bring; afterall “For…who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14).

Each presentation was given 3 times on a rotating basis.
Following the event, attendees enjoyed refreshments and a dance.

Sandra Cooper serves as a Hurst Stake Website Editor and Reporter. She is foremost a daughter of God who knows she is loved by Him. She delights in nothing more than striving to be a disciple of Jesus Christ and to honor His name. Nothing brings Sandra more joy than being a wife and mother. She is by nature a home body where she enjoys living a simplified life. 


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