Making wise choices with your money boosts your confidence and prepares you for life’s ups and downs.

The Area Temporal Preparedness Guide created by the Welfare and Self-Reliance Services of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, covers four areas of emergency preparation. The following steps are explained in the Financial Preparedness section:

Financial Preparedness Guidelines

  • Avoid Debt

  • Use a Budget

Financial Planning Tools

Build a One-Month Emergency Fund



Seek Education

Buying a Home

Save for Retirement

Financial Preparedness Activity

Financial Goals


Take a Free Personal Finance class.

This class is for those seeking to take control of their finances by eliminating debt, protect against financial hardship, and invest in the future. Group members will create a financial plan and follow a budget. Spouses are encouraged to attend together.

Classes are held on a weekly basis for 12 weeks, which day and time are determined by the students during an introductory session.