Family History Training
DNA Tests: Value to Your Research
Taught by Marty Pulido
We compare and contrast different DNA service providers that analyze your DNA for genealogical and medical reasons. We point out some limitations to the data sets, and discuss ways in which it can help us know ourselves and aid us in genealogical efforts.
What do I get out of a DNA Test?
Examining your DNA can assist genealogical research through:
Connecting with other descendants
Comparative family tree
analysis with those with shared DNAPoint out where DNA
progenitors “likely” were
Examining DNA helps solve family mysteries:
Help finding a parent
Solve a family dispute
Personal DNA helps understand:
A “mission-driven company with big dreams of using data to revolutionize health, wellness, and research. We make evidence-based decisions and use data to better understand wellness and improve disease.”
AncestryDNA® “gives you much more than just the places you're from.”
”With clear-cut historical insights and rich geographic details, we connect you to the places in the world where your story started – and you might even discover living relatives.” -
HomeDNA™ “empowers you with valuable information contained in your own DNA. This targeted selection of easy, at-home genetic tests will help you make better health and wellness choices and provide important answers about family relationships both past and present.”
The product line includes:
Ancestry Analysis + Report
Healthy Weight Analysis + Report
Paternity Analysis + Report
Skin Care Analysis + Report
What is the AncestryDNA® test like?