A Weekend of Fun and Spiritual Activities at Hurst Texas Father and Sons Campout
Fathers and sons from the Hurst Texas area spent the first weekend in May building rapport, comradery, teamwork and family bonds during an overnight campout in Denton, Texas. Over 80 people attended. Read more.

Obtaining the Best Version of Ourselves
A Report from the Hurst Stake General Priesthood Meeting
On Saturday August 27th, 2022 all male priesthood holders in the Hurst Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, gathered together at the Hurst Stake Center to hear inspiring words of instruction from their priesthood leaders. Topics included: how to be a good example of goodness, hearing the Lord, what it means to hold the priesthood and obtaining the best version of yourself. Read more.

Fathers and Sons Campout
Over 80 fathers and sons attended the annual Father and Sons Campout event hosted by the Hurst Texas Stake Young Men's program. Located on the scenic grounds of the Hills and Hollows Scout Camp in Denton, Texas, the event commemorates the restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood. Continue reading.