An Introduction to Otis Peach, New Patriarch to the Hurst Texas Stake

Otis Peach of the Euless 1st ward (congregation) has been newly ordained as the Hurst Stake Patriarch. Peach shares a few interesting things about his life, and then in a recorded interview talks about his role as a patriarch in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, describes what a patriarchal blessing is and how to obtain one.

Meet Otis Peach

Otis Peach was introduced to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and joined in 1980. Three years ago he and his wife, Wanda, moved from Franklin, Tennessee—where Otis was born and raised—to Texas where Otis continues to work for a printing company and Wanda is a retired Vice President of Government Insuring with Franklin American Mortgage Company. The Peaches enjoy traveling and watching “Wheel of Fortune!” They have seven children, four in Tennessee, two in Texas and one in Utah. They also have 20 grandchildren and one great-grandchild.

In his professional career, Peach has spent most of his adult life in the printing industry, starting as a delivery driver. 

Young Otis, around the time he was a delivery driver.

“A man that I Iived close to,” he said, “hired me to come and work with his company in the wintertime when I was 16. When I graduated from high school he gave me a full time job and I just progressed from there. This gentleman was a really nice guy, he took me in and taught me all the different phases of printing. It’s been a great career for me.” 

Peach has been in different positions in the industry such as management and bindery and finishing. He currently works for a small printing company located in Texas.

When asked about his outside interests, Peach grinned widely in answer.

“I have two great passions, and one is bowling. I got into bowling at an early age. A school teacher in our neighborhood would take the kids (nine or so) for weekly adventures in the summer. I was hooked the first time I went,” he said. “I have bowled in leagues off and on since the age of 16. I’ve bowled a 300 game, and I’ve been on two different teams that have won our league. So I really love to bowl.”

Otis Peach sets up for, and then successfully bowls a strike!

The other activity Peach enjoys is riding his road bike.

“I got into bike riding about 10 years ago. My brother-in-law is an ironman—he competes regularly—and he introduced Wanda and myself to this very enjoyable pastime. I enjoy being outside and seeing the views along the way. In the summer, I usually average somewhere between 40–60 miles a week. I try to ride every day.” 

On the weekends, if he has time, he likes to get a long ride in.

If the weather is nice, chances are high that Peach will be on his bike.

Before becoming a patriarch, Otis Peach served in many capacities within the Church. Two stand out to him as particularly special. First, the opportunity to teach the eleven-year-old boys in Primary. He enjoyed “seeing them change, hearing all their questions, and watching them learn.” 

Secondly, he enjoyed time serving as the Elder’s Quorum instructor. “It was great to facilitate a discussion and then get all that feedback,” he said. “I was supposed to be the instructor but I was being taught. The men shared different stories from their missions, what they’ve learned being a parent…that was just a real rewarding calling.”


The Office of Patriarch

Now, newly ordained as the Patriarch for the Hurst Texas stake, Patriarch Otis Peach fills an entirely new role unlike any other.

In Revelations it is stated, “it is the duty of the Twelve…to ordain evangelical ministers, as…shall be designated unto them by revelation” (D&C 107:39). The Prophet Joseph Smith explained: “An Evangelist is a Patriarch…”

The office of patriarch is not a temporary calling, it’s an ordination of the Priesthood and is permanent unless it is lost through transgression. The patriarch continues to serve unless age or illness require him to be placed on non functioning status. [Boyd K. Packer, “The Office of Patriarch”] 

What Does a Patriarch Do?

In the following clip, Patriarch Peach describes how he serves as the Hurst Stake Patriarch and how a patriarchal blessing can guide each faithful member’s life.

Interview by Barry Dick of the Hurst Stake High Council


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