I Can Do All Things Through Christ which Strengtheneth Me
Church Leadership Shares Lifelong Survival Tips with Local Youth
By Rachel Scott
“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” (Phil. 4:13) Youth from several congregations of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints gathered at the Hurst Texas Stake Center on Feb. 25, 2023 with great anticipation to hear one of the Lord’s modern-day apostles, Elder Ulisses S. Soares, speak what the Lord would have him share with them. The building was packed with youth ages 11–18 along with several parents and leaders. He reminded them that the Lord loves them and is intimately aware of all of us.
Elder Ulisses S. Soares shakes the hands of excited youth at the devotional. Accompanying Elder Soares from left to right are Chandler Growald, Hurst Texas Stake President; Bishop Todd Budge, Second Counselor Presiding Bishopric; Elder Mark Eddy, General Authority Seventy. Photograph courtesy of Denice Honstein.
He shared with the youth that they are selected spirits to be on earth in these days before the Second Coming of the Savior. He said many youth may be wondering if it's possible to survive now in this confusing world. It's possible to survive with God and Jesus Christ as our companions. Elder Soares promised the youth that:
“You can do anything as you invoke the Spirit of God in your life.”
He shared that two years ago he was on an assignment in Utah. He was new there in that particular area. He used his GPS and it gave him wrong directions. He turned it off and he still was lost. After another attempt he was able to get where he needed to be.
The Lord sent us on Earth to follow the strict directions from the Spirit, our spiritual GPS, which is the Holy Ghost. We can find our final destination. God has provided several spiritual GPS tools for us. They used to be the do's and don'ts. Now, we are guided more than ever by the Holy Ghost. The main goal is to bring us closer to Christ. Make Jesus Christ your direction, your spiritual GPS, he taught. You have been preserved to be on the Earth at this time. Follow Jesus Christ and you will make it.
A youth from the Hurst area said: “I came with questions and concerns with what the Lord would have me learn. This devotional was just what I needed to hear. Elder Soares spoke of Spiritual GPS's and how our Ultimate Spiritual GPS is Jesus Christ. He said that the children and youth guide to making choices is a wonderful GPS to point us to the Savior whenever we feel lost on the covenant path or discouraged.”
Other speakers at the devotional were Bishop L. Todd Budge, Second Counselor in the Presiding Bishopric, Elder Mark D. Eddy, General Authority Seventy, and Sister Kristin M. Yee, Second Counselor of the Relief Society General Presidency, and Elder Mark A. Gottfredson, Area Authority Seventy. Bishop Budge taught the youth to love people who disagree with each other. Love people who aren't like us or who don't live like us. Love is a choice. Speaking of charity, he said: “It's what you do more than how you feel.”
Elder Mark D. Eddy of the Seventy reminded the youth that the purpose of For The Strength of Youth is to help us center our lives on Jesus Christ.
“We believe he’s our strength. Choosing him you choose joy. When we repent, we feel joy is restored.”
Anxiety was also a relevant topic as the youth were taught that “anxiety may keep you from knowing good, but despite anxiety, you can come to know God. He'll help you keep the commandments. Have faith and keep the commandments, even if you don't understand them.”
Sister Yee testified that you can receive validation from Heavenly Father. He'll tell you how you're doing.
Elder Gottfredson shared that we have an expectation that everyone can know for themselves that the church is true. “Come to Christ wherever you are. Try the fruit. The God of the universe knows you personally.”
Elder Soares concluded the meeting when he taught, “the path is not problem free.” The topics all came down to making choices. “Choose to return to live with Him. Jesus is the Christ. He lives today. The Savior told the Prophet to have the Apostles share with us about love and choices.”
So many youth were in attendance, that the crowed spilled into the overflow and beyond.
Photo courtesy of Denice Honstein.
One of the youth said, “This motivated me to do better and be better by focusing on covenants, my relationship with Jesus Christ and myself, and to choose eternal life.”
Focusing thoughts, words, and actions on the Savior plays an essential part in Elder Soares’s plea to use Spiritual GPS's.
Learning about spiritual GPS’s and knowing that they’re not alone when navigating the challenges of mortal life was a great reminder for the youth and that there’s always help, hope, and strength.
Rachel Scott serves as a Hurst Stake Website Editor and Reporter. She is a wife of 18 years to a brilliant and amazing man, a mom of three wonderful children, and works part time at a middle school. She enjoys walking, reading, doing puzzles, and attends the temple during her free time.