Day of Service: Stake Single Adults Host Blood Drive

For more than 70 years, Carter BloodCare has been saving lives across Texas. On Saturday, May 21st, the single adults of the Hurst Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints sponsored a community blood drive at the Hurst Stake Center in North Richland Hills, Texas.

The Carter BloodCare van sits outside the Hurst Stake Center.

Carter Bloodcare received 19 usable units that Saturday. Each unit can save or enhance 3 lives, so 57 lives will be impacted by those donations. Also, some donors who couldn’t participate on Saturday, donated earlier in the week.

“As a universal donor, I have given blood many times in the past but not so much recently. However, 4 days before the blood drive, my 19-year-old grandson was in a serious motorcycle accident and required surgery with a blood transfusion,” said Trish Spoon, a member of the Watauga Ward (congregation). “This brought it all home to me. I was grateful for the opportunity to do my part and grateful for someone in Idaho doing their part to help my grandson.” 


Volunteer Trish Spoon can proudly wear this emblem of her community service.


Carter BloodCare’s primary purpose is to provide life-saving resources to local hospitals in regional communities. Carter Bloodcare supports more than 200 medical facilities in over 50 counties throughout Texas. Each year, they provide more than 444,000 units of blood products to meet patients’ treatment requirements. 

“I love being able to be a blood donor to help out perfect strangers, knowing that it is making a huge difference in their lives for good,” said Rachel Scott, a member of the River Trails First Ward (congregation). “I'm grateful to be a part of the blood drive event.” 

“I appreciate the support from members of our stake who gave up their time to participate,” said Joanne Smith, River Trails Second Ward (congregation), Stake Single Adult Representative. “It was a wonderful opportunity to serve a wider community than just those within our stake.”  

The need for blood is constant. If you are interested in donating, visit Carter BloodCare’s website for more information. 

Article and photos by Debby Adair


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