An Evening of Tacos and Ham Radio Technology

Licensed radio operators and aspiring ham radio students gathered for an inaugural Tacos and Technology workshop on Saturday, April 23, 2022.

To kick things off, Sister Joan Dick prepared a mouthwatering buffet of home cooked tacos with guacamole, pico de gallo, fresh tomatoes and mango salsa. A delicious flan for dessert delighted attendees and prepared minds and hearts for the training that followed.

First table: Daniel Lewis, Pat Autrey. Middle table left, near to far: Deborah Flores, Royce Leeper—right side near to far: Jim Edwards, Kathy Edwards, Mike Sebastian. Right table near to far: Vickey Howard, Kim Smith. Standing: Chris Seil, Bishop Cone Smith.

Brother Barry Dick of the Hurst Stake High Council and licensed radio operator, taught about the importance of using proper radio etiquette while using local repeater stations to rebroadcast and amplify ourselves radio messages to other operators. The class enjoyed the PowerPoint presentation he provided to teach the valuable skills.

Next, Brother Chris Seil, who is an assistant Stake Emergency Coordinator and trainer taught a lesson about how to use EchoLink software. The software allows users to talk to ham radio operators all over the world using the EchoLink app on a cell phone.

Above: Eduardo Castillo and Pat Autrey building an emergency coax antenna.

Lastly, Brother Pat Autrey, the Hurst Stake SEC (Stake Emergency Coordinator) taught how to make an emergency antenna to help boost low power signal and use this improved reception to contact our emergency operations command. This was a hands-on training and everyone who attended the event was able to build their own emergency antenna and take it home with them that evening.

Above: Shows the parts and finished product of the end of a handmade antenna where it would connect to a radio. The coils help to prevent radio interference from spurious electric signals. Pictured right: Eduardo Castillo proudly displaying his new handmade antenna.

When asked what part of the evening she personally enjoyed, Sister Vickey Howard said:

“All of it!” And after further thought she said, “You do a lot of studying [from the manual] but what made everything real was making my own antenna. Everybody did it and they were so proud, including myself! I can’t wait to use it.”

For more information about how to join a free emergency preparedness or ham radio class in the Hurst area, contact Pat Autrey here.

Article by Pat Autrey of the River Trails 2nd Ward congregation
Photographs by Edward Castillo and Chris Seil


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