A Special Visit from Sister Reyna Aburto of the General Presidency of the Relief Society

Hailey Moore from the Watauga ward (congregation) shares her personal experience attending a devotional meeting with Sister Reyna Aburto of the General Presidency of the Relief Society.


On March 25th, 2022, at 7:00pm, it finally happened! Women who have attended congregations surrounding the Hurst Texas area have long-awaited a visit from Sister Reyna Aburto, Second Counselor in the General Presidency of the Relief Society (global women’s organization).

While I have not been attending that long myself, I felt the shared sense of “finally” as I sat down to hear a called servant of the Lord share her words of wisdom amongst hundreds of other women. Her visit was scheduled to happen in March 2020. All of us can remember the unfortunate global events that stood in the way of that happening. Her visit to North Texas was rescheduled many times. Luckily, it was worth the wait.

My view of the crowded and excited chatter filled room just before the meeting began.

Sister Aburto encouraged those in attendance to make meaning of the fact we were here together now, and perhaps we were even more meant to be gathered together to share and learn now than we were two years ago.

As we trusted in the Lord’s timing for her special visit, Sister Aburto emphasized that we must always put our trust and faith in Him. Whether we receive an assignment we feel unprepared for, a situation we feel inadequate to handle, or a trial we weren’t expecting, He leads us to where we need to be.

“The Lord tutors and shapes us if we let him,” Sister Aburto stated, encouraging us to rely on Him and allow Him to magnify our efforts. He doesn’t need us to be perfect, He just needs us to trust Him.

Being the humble servant she is, Sister Aburto invited ample discussion from the audience. She posed the question: “What is the difference between a good woman of the world who is trying to follow Christ and one who has made covenants?” I am not one for public speaking, so I quietly sat and listened to the wonderful insights of the women surrounding me. Together, we learned about how priesthood, commitment, knowledge, responsibility, the Holy Ghost, sacrifice, peace, and increased capacity to learn are some of the many distinctions between covenant women and those who have yet to make those covenants. Sister Aburto made special note that we are no better than women who have not made covenants yet, but we can be grateful for the ways covenants set us apart to be more inspired to share the gospel with others. The discussion was full of insights from many women with different backgrounds. It was hard not to feel inspired and certain that making covenants is not only an essential part of our lives, but also an incredible blessing.

Sister Aburto closed with her special witness that the Lord loves us. She echoed words from our prophet, President Russell M. Nelson, and his charge to the women that we are needed, loved, and appreciated. The spirit which guided the evening’s discussion echoed in her conclusion, and confirmed to me that even though trusting God and making and keeping covenants does not always feel easy, like our long-awaited visit from Sister Aburto, it is well worth it.

Article by Hailey Moore


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