20 Hurst Area Teens Graduate from Seminary Program

This May, local high school seniors donned colorful caps and gowns to signify the culmination of their high school years, however, 20 Hurst area teens celebrated another important milestone: the graduation of Seminary. 

A worldwide, four-year religious educational program for youth ages 14 through 18, is operated by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Open to teenagers of all faiths, students enrolled in Seminary meet each weekday during the school year to study scripture. 

The Seminary Experience

This year’s Seminary graduating class overcame a unique set of challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Their sophomore year was cut short. They didn’t meet in person their entire Junior year—instead attending early morning Zoom meetings every weekday. In addition, they experienced two curriculum changes. However, they persevered and worked hard.  On May 25, 2022, the Hurst Texas Stake hosted a graduation ceremony in their honor. 

During the ceremony, five graduating seniors spoke about their experiences in the program. 

David Langi stated that he “didn’t want to wake up, but found blessings along the way.” He added with the reminder that “next to Him [God] we are nothing, but to Him we are everything.”

Rebekah Reeve expressed gratitude to all of the Seminary instructors who give countless hours of preparation and study to do their best to bring the Spirit of God each day to class. Reeve stated, “It is poetic that [seminary students] get to put [God] first in our day, as we all should put Him first in all we do.”

Hex Fonua and Mathew Hamilton discussed some trepidation and trials regarding desire or efforts to attend seminary, but shared appreciation to moms and siblings who helped when they needed it and gained stronger understandings of the Gospel of Jesus Christ because of the efforts of others along their four-year journey.

Graduate, Jared Foni; Seminary Teacher, Mike McGinn; Graduate, Jacob Foni

Jacob Foni discussed appreciation to his instructors over the four years.  He also shared some struggles. His powerful addition to the meeting came as he discussed his preparation and what it meant to him after seminary each morning. 

“Having the Spirit early in the morning helped me throughout the day,” said Foni. “On game days, it gave me an extra edge due to having the Spirit with me from Seminary.”

Making Seminary a Part of Everyday Life

Tommy Hamilton, First Counselor of the Hurst Stake Presidency addressed those in attendance at the graduation.  

“Seminary prepares students for what can come,” said Hamilton. “You are here tonight because it is where you are supposed to be. You are true warriors, our future heroes. You are those who the Lord has called and qualified. You are the future.”

President Hamilton went on to suggest what may be in store for the 20 graduates as they become church leaders and missionaries. “Seminary is…where you were being shown how to teach, how to love people and how to serve,” he said, “…by being charitable, by keeping the commandments, by loving our neighbor—to serve, serve, serve. In the truest sense, you have learned to exhibit the pure love of Christ.”

He then issued a challenge to those in attendance to “make those things that you have been taught, a part of your everyday life.”

Further, he prayed for a special blessing to be upon them that their days would go smoother, their burdens become lighter, their minds be open, that they will experience an increase in discerning right from wrong, and that they will cherish that personal relationship they have developed with the Savior.

Several Seminary Graduates from Class of 2022 pose for a photo at the Hurst Texas Stake Center on May 25, 2022.

Celebrating the Graduates

Brother Dave Harper, of the Hurst Stake High Council, read the names and a short bio of each graduate. Seminary diplomas and a gift from the Hurst Stake were presented to each student. Immediately after their acceptance of the diploma and gift, students shook hands with each member of the Hurst Stake Presidency, (Presidents Chandler Growald, Tommy Hamilton, and Robert Collins); Brother Chad Peck, the Fort Worth North Seminary and Institute Coordinator, the Hurst Texas Stake Bishops and each of the seminary instructors. These adults were lined up across the front of the chapel, wall to wall.

After the presentation of the diplomas, President Growald, Hurst Texas Stake President, said that it is up to the graduates to “choose what you’re going to do with the time you have on Earth.” President Growald said that if they search in their minds and hearts and apply the armor of God and make wise decisions, they’ll have opportunities opened up to them that they had never thought of previously.

Teacher Recognition and Awards

In addition to honoring Seminary graduates, Brother Ralph Madore, of the Hurst Stake High Council, presented each of the Seminary teachers individual awards and gratitude. Seminary teachers are unpaid volunteers who willingly sacrifice their time and talents to help students learn every day at Seminary. 

Brother Madore asked the Seniors, “What’s next for your spiritual growth?” He answered for them, “No more 7 a.m. [classes], but 7 p.m. Institute every Thursday at the Stake Center.”

Institute continues religious education for young adults ages 18 to 30 and has a worldwide enrollment of more than 350,000 students in almost 2,700 locations. The Hurst Texas Stake institute class meets every Thursday at 7 p.m. at the Hurst Texas Stake Center. 

Article by Evan Eastman, River Trails 2nd Ward. Photos by Katalina Foni, Euless 4th Ward.


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