What is Light the World?
This year for #LightTheWorld, focus on sharing kindness, just like Jesus did. Throughout December, look for ways to bring joy to someone new each day. By following Jesus, the true Light of the World, you can bring a little light to the lives of friends, family members, coworkers, and even strangers!
Applying Love, Share, Invite with #LightTheWorld is a suggested endeavor to use with friends, neighbors, the less active and those we know not of our faith.
To assist in this effort please begin using the hashtag (#) symbol with “LightTheWorld” on all flyers and invitations that encourages everyone to come and be part of (whether to give or receive) the Savior's love through ward and stake members.
Example: #LightTheWorld
Ward and Stake Participation Ideas
and Branding Assets
The links below will take you to a Dropbox website with folders containing:
Usage Guide • Invitation Templates • Style Guide • Visual Assets
Click on a button below to download the folders to your computer (zipped file).
We recommend you start by reviewing the Usage Guide and Style Guide.
Note: The Usage Guide and Invitation Templates are not available in Tongan at this time.
Questions? Click here.