Epilogue: A Few More Farewells

President and Sister Chapman have been such a blessing to the Texas Fort Worth missionaries and everyone who serves with them. There is no question that they were called to serve at “just such a time as this”. We marvel at the inspired way they led the mission through a Covid pandemic, the passing of two outstanding Elders, and the change to the Fort Worth mission boundaries. It is apparent, in all things, that President and Sister Chapman are devoted to building the Kingdom of God and bringing people to Christ, on both sides of the veil [on Earth and in Heaven.] We have learned how to be better disciples of Christ through their faithful examples. They both have such positive attitudes and show such kindness and love to every person they meet. We will forever treasure the time we have had to serve with President and Sister Chapman and we know they will continue to be a great blessing to many people. We love them dearly!

–Elder and Sister Stewart, Office Missionaries

I have loved serving under the direction of President and Sister Chapman! They have taught me how to truly become a joyful disciple of Jesus Christ! They are great examples of showing Christlike love to anyone and everyone you meet. I am eternally grateful for all that they have done for the Texas Fort Worth mission and for all of the lessons I have learned from their example that they have set!

–Sister Pela

It's been such a blessing serving closely with President and Sister Chapman! The more time we spend with them the more we feel and recognize the love they have for Jesus Christ. Sister Chapman is amazing, we trusted her with anything, so many times we would call or text Sister Chapman to hear her thoughts about different circumstances. She is so kind and has the purest desires to do good and walk righteously. Sister Chapman is an outstanding leader. President Chapman is a role model to the both of us. We would watch him handle situations with so much patience, faith, and love. President often allowed us to make decisions, it was super special to know the trust he had in us and what we would decide. Many times we would think we have a good idea or plan and President would subtly share his thoughts and every time he was exactly right! Both of the Chapman's were great examples in allowing the Holy Ghost to be the ultimate teacher and leader. They would always tell us to pray and seek guidance from the spirit. No words could describe serving in Texas with President and Sister Chapman, it was truly a miracle being with them. We love them so much!

–Elder Christensen and Elder Anderson

Over the past 9 months of getting to know President Chapman, there is one thing that stands out in my mind! Pure love. He has always just loved missionaries and cared so much for individuals. You can truly see the countenance of Christ in him! He has truly been an instrument in the hands of God to lead this mission, although at times I questioned certain things we were asked to do as I followed his counsel I have come to know he is truly called of God and his words of counsel and action are the Lord's! I have seen the mission culture changing and progressing ever since I got here. I thank him for who he is and who he represents. May we all strive to have greater faith in the Lord's chosen servants, that we may learn the ways of the kingdom and be exalted on high!

–Elder Finlinson

President and Sister Chapman are so awesome. It has been such a joy to serve around this wonderful pair over the last (almost) 2 years! Sister Chapman is so caring, and passionate about the Lord Jesus Christ, and who He wants us to become. President Chapman might be the most loving and compassionate man I have and possibly will ever meet. I've been so blessed to get to know them both just a little over our service together and I am so grateful for their examples to me on how to become a lifelong disciple of Jesus Christ.

–Elder Johnson