Building Scheduling
All stake level events are scheduled through the Stake Executive Secretary, Marc Bartnick at: hurststakeexecsec@gmail.com
Hurst Stake Center
To schedule a room for a church activity, please contact Michelle Collins.
Text or call: 817-800-9193
Email: mopsy4@hotmail.com
Please describe your needs:
• Your name
• Ward name
• Date of event
• Title and/or brief description of event
• What rooms you wish to reserve
• Activity start and end time
• Additional time needed for set-up and clean up
• Person responsible for the event and their contact info
Wednesday evenings are not available.
Non-Church Activities
If you would like to schedule a room for a non-church activity, you will also need to complete the form linked below and submit it to your bishop.
After receiving his approval forward the form to Michelle who will submit the form to the stake for approval.
Bransford Road Building
To schedule a room for a church activity, please contact Ada Silver-Hauser.
Text or call: 817-291-3670
Email: jhauser2212
Please describe your needs:
• Your name
• Ward name
• Date of event
• Title and/or brief description of event
• What rooms you wish to reserve
• Activity start and end time
• Additional time needed for set-up and clean up
• Person responsible for the event and their contact info
Wednesday evenings are not available.
Non-Church Activities
If you would like to schedule a room for a non-church activity, you will also need to complete the form linked below and submit it to your bishop.
After receiving his approval forward the form to Ada who will submit it to the stake for approval.
Euless Building
To schedule a room for a church activity please send a message to Bishop Sione Tulilotu
Text: 817-239-0243
Email: stulilotu89@gmail.com
Please describe your needs:
• Your name
• Ward name
• Date of event
• Title and/or brief description of event
• What rooms you wish to reserve
• Activity start and end time
• Additional time needed for set-up and clean up
• Person responsible for the event and their contact info
Wednesday evenings are not available.
Non-Church Activities
If you would like to schedule a room for a non-church activity, you will also need to complete the form linked below and submit it to your bishop.
After receiving his approval forward the form to Bryan who will submit it to the stake for approval.